The Event of Awesomeness

aka Alex & Jeremy’s wedding/party

The main event site 4 December 2008

Filed under: Ceremony — Palila @ 23:47
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One of the things we did over the holiday was go to Adair Park (the park next to the Mary Gay House) and look for a ceremony site. We know that we’ll have a stand-up wedding, so we were looking for a place in the park with enough open space for everyone to gather ’round, but also with enough shade that nobody bakes and burns during those 10-15 minutes. We found some good spots for gathering ’round, and Jeremy and I will certainly be back with Mr. Dog to judge shade cover when it’s not raining and once the leaves return to the trees.

The favored spot right now? At the top of the hill past the sign, in the clearing near the benches.
Wedding site


4 Responses to “The main event site”

  1. Georgia Says:

    Breathable fabric a must!

  2. Palila Says:

    And non-clingy, too.

  3. Lindsay Says:

    Somehow, a screaming newborn seems much more appropriate at a stand-up outdoor wedding than any other possibility I can imagine. And I can always go running to the other end of the park, if need be. I approve.

  4. Palila Says:

    We’ll make a “new mother escape plan” for all those with babies on hip. 🙂

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